Minister predicts export potential for Zealong

zealong-todd-mcclay-630x403The team at Zealong are keeping busy in the coming months carefully planning to take tea-loving Britain by storm. In April we will take part in the Natural & Organic Product Europe expo, in London, as the sole Kiwi exhibitor amongst more than 600 taking part from 50 countries.

Ahead of the expo we had Trade Minister Todd McClay pay us a visit to see first-hand why Zealong’s innovation and dedication to quality is gaining worldwide acclaim for its health and purity benefits. Zealong is New Zealand’s only locally grown tea and one of the shining lights when it comes to exports. It produces 20 tonnes of tea a year, of which more than two thirds is exported – mostly to China, Japan, Germany and the United Kingdom. The balance is sold within New Zealand.

Todd later tweeted: Grt visit 2 @ZealongTea #Waikato 2day. Big export potential 4 innovative kiwi company.

Thanks Todd, we appreciate your support and look forward to working together in the future to grow the Zealong brand on the global stage.

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