Limited Edition New Zealand Collection

The limited edition New Zealand Collection is 100% New Zealand grown Zealong tea, carefully blended with native New Zealand botanicals – Kawakawa with Oolong Tea and Horopito with Black Tea.

Kawakawa and Horopito are New Zealand botanicals that are grown no-where-else in the world. Wild-harvested from our native-forests, they are then blended with our 100% certified organic tea in the Waikato, to create soothing tea blends.

Like tea, in New Zealand different plants and their leaves were not only consumed for their taste and aroma, but for medicinal properties. Rongoā Māori is the traditional Māori healing system. This ancient lore used plants to treat aliments. Kawakawa and Horopito have a multitude of health benefits:

Kawakawa with Aromatic Oolong Tea

  • Flavour: Herbaceous and nutty with a sweet refreshing after taste.
  • Health Benefits: Kawakawa has a long history as a healing plant. Helping digestive problems, assisting urinary tract health, anti-inflammatory properties, cleansing the blood and detoxification abilities. This plant is a powerhouse for health and wellbeing. It is great for easing cough and cold symptoms.

Horopito with Black Tea

  • Flavour: Sweet and smooth with a lingering spicy aftertaste.
  • Health Benefits: Horopito is a fantastic antioxidant. It is a natural analgesic, easing stomach aches and aiding poor blood circulation. This plant is known to help ease respiratory complications such as colds, asthma and coughs.

Serving notes:

  • Brew 2.5g per 450ml of 90°c water for 2 minutes
  • Both Kawakawa and Horopito are very strong flavours, be mindful of quantity & brewing time.

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